Missing values are ubiquitous in data and need to be carefully
explored and handled in the initial stages of analysis. In this vignette
we describe the tools in the package naniar
for exploring
missing data structures with minimal deviation from the common workflows
of ggplot and tidy data (Wickham, 2014,
Sometimes researchers or analysts will introduce or describe a mechanism for missingness. For example, they might explain that data from a weather station might have a malfunction when there are extreme weather events, and does not record temperature data when gusts speeds are high. This seems like a nice simple, logical explanation. However, like all good explanations, this one is simple, but the process to get there was probably not, and likely involved more time than you would have liked developing exploratory data analyses and models.
So when someone presents a really nice plot and a nice sensible explanation, the initial thought might be:
They worked it out themselves so quickly, so easy!
As if the problem was so easy to solve, they could accidentally solve it - they couldn’t not solve it.
However, I think that if you manage to get that on the first go, that is more like turning around and throwing a rock into a lake and it landing in a cup in a boat. Unlikely.
With that thought in mind, this vignette aims to work with the
following three questions, using the tools developed in
and another package, visdat
. Namely,
how do we:
When you start with a dataset, you might do something where you look at the general summary, using functions such as:
These works really well when you’ve got a small amount of data, but when you have more data, you are generally limited by how much you can read.
So before you start looking at missing data, you’ll need to look at the data, but what does that even mean?
The package visdat
helps you get a handle on this.
provides a visualisation of an entire data frame at
once, and was heavily inspired by csv-fingerprint
and functions like missmap
, from Amelia
There are two main functions in the visdat
, andvis_miss
visualises the whole dataframe at once, and
provides information about the class of the data input into R, as well
as whether the data is missing or not.
The function vis_miss
provides a summary of whether the
data is missing or not. It also provides the amount of missings in each
So here, Ozone and Solar.R have the most missing data, with Ozone having 24.2% missing data and Solar.R have 4.6%. The other variables do not have any missing data.
To read more about the functions available in visdat
the vignette “Using
We can identify key variables that are missing using
, but for further exploration, we need to explore
the relationship amongst the variables in this data:
Typically, when exploring this data, you might want to explore the variables Solar.R and Ozone, and so plot a scatterplot of solar radiation and ozone, doing something like this:
## Warning: Removed 42 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_point()`).
The problem with this is that ggplot does not handle missings be
default, and removes the missing values. This makes them hard to
explore. It also presents the strange question of “how do you visualise
something that is not there?”. One approach to visualising missing data
comes from ggobi
, where we
replace “NA” values with values 10% lower than the minimum value in that
This process is performed and visualised for you with the
ggplot2 geom. Here, we illustrate by
exploring the relationship between Ozone and Solar radiation from the
airquality dataset.
## Warning: Removed 42 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
## (`geom_point()`).
Being a proper ggplot geom, it supports all of the standard features of ggplot2, such as facets,
And different themes
aes(x = Solar.R,
y = Ozone)) +
geom_miss_point() +
facet_wrap(~Month) +
Another approach to visualising the missings in a dataset is to use
the gg_miss_var
The plots created with the gg_miss
family all have a
basic theme, but you can customise them, and add arguments like so:
To add facets in these plots, you can use the facet
There are more visualisations available in naniar
starting with gg_miss_
) - you can see these in the “Gallery
of Missing Data Visualisations” vignette..
It is important to note that for every visualisation of missing data
in naniar
, there is an accompanying function to get the
dataframe of the plot out. This is important as the plot should not
return a dataframe - but we also need to make the data available for use
by the user so that it isn’t locked into a plot. You can find these
summary plots below, with miss_var_summary
providing the
dataframe that gg_miss_var()
is based on.
When you are dealing with missing values, you might want to replace values with a missing values (NA). This is useful in cases when you know the origin of the data and can be certain which values should be missing. For example, you might know that all values of “N/A”, “N A”, and “Not Available”, or -99, or -1 are supposed to be missing.
provides functions to specifically work on this
type of problem using the function replace_with_na
. This
function is the compliment to tidyr::replace_na
, which
replaces an NA value with a specified value, whereas
replaces a value with an NA:
: Missing values turns into a value
(NA –> -99)naniar::replace_with_na
: Value becomes a missing value
(-99 –> NA)You can read more about this in the vignette “Replacing values with NA”
Representing missing data structure in a tidy format is achieved using the shadow matrix, introduced in Swayne and Buja. The shadow matrix is the same dimension as the data, and consists of binary indicators of missingness of data values, where missing is represented as “NA”, and not missing is represented as “!NA”. Although these may be represented as 1 and 0, respectively. This representation can be seen in the figure below, adding the suffix “_NA” to the variables. This structure can also be extended to allow for additional factor levels to be created. For example 0 indicates data presence, 1 indicates missing values, 2 indicates imputed value, and 3 might indicate a particular type or class of missingness, where reasons for missingness might be known or inferred. The data matrix can also be augmented to include the shadow matrix, which facilitates visualisation of univariate and bivariate missing data visualisations. Another format is to display it in long form, which facilitates heatmap style visualisations. This approach can be very helpful for giving an overview of which variables contain the most missingness. Methods can also be applied to rearrange rows and columns to find clusters, and identify other interesting features of the data that may have previously been hidden or unclear.