naniar - Data Structures, Summaries, and Visualisations for Missing Data
Missing values are ubiquitous in data and need to be explored and handled in the initial stages of analysis. 'naniar' provides data structures and functions that facilitate the plotting of missing values and examination of imputations. This allows missing data dependencies to be explored with minimal deviation from the common work patterns of 'ggplot2' and tidy data. The work is fully discussed at Tierney & Cook (2023) <doi:10.18637/jss.v105.i07>.
Last updated 12 months ago
15.33 score 657 stars 9 dependents 5.1k scripts 47k downloads
visdat - Preliminary Visualisation of Data
Create preliminary exploratory data visualisations of an entire dataset to identify problems or unexpected features using 'ggplot2'.
Last updated 8 months ago
13.29 score 453 stars 11 dependents 2.1k scripts 42k downloads
visdat - Preliminary Visualisation of Data
Create preliminary exploratory data visualisations of an entire dataset to identify problems or unexpected features using 'ggplot2'.
Last updated 8 months ago
13.28 score 453 stars 11 dependents 2.1k scripts 41k downloads
greta - Simple and Scalable Statistical Modelling in R
Write statistical models in R and fit them by MCMC and optimisation on CPUs and GPUs, using Google 'TensorFlow'. greta lets you write your own model like in BUGS, JAGS and Stan, except that you write models right in R, it scales well to massive datasets, and it’s easy to extend and build on. See the website for more information, including tutorials, examples, package documentation, and the greta forum.
Last updated 1 hours ago
12.53 score 566 stars 6 dependents 396 scripts 912 downloadsconmat - Builds Contact Matrices using GAMs and Population Data
Builds contact matrices using GAMs and population data. This package incorporates data that is copyright Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Electoral Commission and Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2020.
Last updated 1 days ago
7.21 score 19 stars 47 scripts
syn - Creates Synonyms From Target Words
Generates synonyms from a given word drawing from a synonym list from the 'moby' project <http://moby-thesaurus.org/>.
Last updated 1 years ago
6.37 score 52 stars 2 dependents 30 scripts 237 downloadsgreta.gp - Gaussian Process Modelling in 'greta'
Provides a syntax to create and combine Gaussian process kernels in 'greta'. You can then them to define either full rank or sparse Gaussian processes. This is an extension to the 'greta' software, Golding (2019) <doi:10.21105/joss.01601>.
Last updated 2 months ago
6.33 score 19 stars 28 scripts 579 downloads
geotargets - 'Targets' Extensions for Geospatial Formats
Provides extensions for various geospatial file formats, such as shapefiles and rasters. Currently provides support for the 'terra' geospatial formats. See the vignettes for worked examples, demonstrations, and explanations of how to use the various package extensions.
Last updated 12 days ago
6.13 score 72 stars 43 scriptsmaxcovr - A Set of Tools For Solving The Maximal Covering Location Problem
Solving the "maximal covering location problem" as described by Church can be difficult for users not familiar with linear programming. maxcovr provides functions to make it easy to solve this problem, and tools to calculate facility coverage.
Last updated 4 months ago
6.06 score 44 stars 43 scriptsgreta.gam - Generalised Additive Models in 'greta' using 'mgcv'
A 'greta' (Golding (2019) <doi:10.21105/joss.01601>) module that lets you use 'mgcv' smoother functions and formula syntax to define smooth terms for use in a 'greta' model. You can then define your own likelihood to complete the model, and fit it by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
Last updated 2 months ago
6.04 score 11 stars 6 scripts 149 downloadsgreta.dynamics - Modelling Structured Dynamical Systems in 'greta'
A 'greta' extension for analysing transition matrices and ordinary differential equations representing dynamical systems. Provides functions for analysing transition matrices by iteration, and solving ordinary differential equations. This is an extension to the 'greta' software, Golding (2019) <doi:10.21105/joss.01601>.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.72 score 6 stars 11 scripts 579 downloadsmmcc - tidy mcmc.list using data.table
Tidy up, diagnose, and visualise your mcmc samples quickly and easily so you can get on with your analysis.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.68 score 24 stars 10 scriptsozroaddeaths - Pulls Data From Australian Road Deaths Database
ozroaddeaths is a package that pulls data from the Australian Road Deaths Database, run by the Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE). This provides basic details of road transport crash fatalities in Australia as reported by the police each month to the State and Territory road safety authorities. The details provided in the database fall into two groups: 1) the circumstances of the crash, for example, date, location, crash type some details regarding the persons killed, for example, age, gender and road user group.
Last updated 4 months ago
4.62 score 6 stars 7 scriptsbroomstick - Convert Decision Tree Objects into Tidy Data Frames
Convert Decision Tree objects into tidy data frames, by using the framework laid out by the package broom, this means that decision tree output can be easily reshaped, porocessed, and combined with tools like 'dplyr', 'tidyr' and 'ggplot2'. Like the package broom, broomstick provides three S3 generics: tidy, to summarise decision tree specific features - tidy returns the variable importance table; augment adds columns to the original data such as predictions and residuals; and glance, which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.59 score 29 stars 27 scriptsyahtsee - Yet Another Hierachical Time Series Extension and Expansion
An opinionated approach to building hierarchical time series models in R using INLA and inlabru.
Last updated 3 years ago
3.00 score 2 stars 8 scriptsgreta.distributions - Extends Distributions Available in the 'greta' Package
Provides extra distributions for use with the 'greta' package. These will include distributions such as zero inflated negative binomial, zero inflated poisson, interval censored lognormal, and more.
Last updated 3 months ago
2.78 score 1 stars 1 scriptschaletex - Extract LaTeX packages from TeX files and Install Them
Trying to compile LaTeX files can be frustrating when you need to stop at every attempted compile and install the missing packages. The goal of chaletex is to make it easy to extract packages you need to install from LaTeX. It is named `chaletex` as we want this to be like walking into a Chalet after a big day - a nice, friendly, cozy place for your TeX problems.
Last updated 6 years ago
2.54 score 7 stars 2 scripts